Identify the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury—Before It’s a Problem

The NephroCheck® Test was created for use alongside clinical evaluation of intensive care patients over 21 who have or have had acute cardiovascular and/or respiratory compromise in the past 24 hours. With results in just 20 minutes, the test is intended to assist the clinician in assessing the risk of moderate to severe acute kidney injury in the next 12 hours.

Identify, stratify and mitigate
the risk of acute kidney injury


Discriminate patients at risk of AKI with the NephroCheck® Test’s quantitative AKIRisk® Score.


Triage patients into lower risk and greater risk groups for developing moderate to severe AKI in the next 12 hours.


Implement kidney-sparing strategies to potentially temper the severe consequences associated with AKI.

Why is early identification of AKI important?

Dr. Peter McCullough discusses how early identification is fundamental for treating acute kidney injury. The NephroCheck® Test can help inform certain adjustments to critical care management.